Thursday, December 13, 2012

Cold Sores/Fever Blisters

Fever Blisters/Cold Sores

You know the feeling…tightness near your lip, tingling, stinging and swelling.  You sigh and think to yourself, “I hate this. How long is it going to last this time?” It is a cold sore, or some people call it a fever blister. Nobody likes cold sores, and let’s face it, not only do they hurt, but they are embarrassing!  If you suffer from fever blisters you are not alone.  More than 80% of the population in the United States carries the virus that causes cold sores.  While they are unpleasant, there are things that you can do to minimize their duration, the number of outbreaks and spreading them.   
Cold sore or Fever Blister
If you are one of the unlucky ones that experience an outbreak/cold sore/fever blister, if left untreated, will pass through many phases and this is what you can expect –
·        Prodromal phase – this is the phase before the actual blisters show up.  People experience tingling and/or itching on, around, or in the mouth 1 to 2 days before the blisters appear.  People are contagious during this period.

·        Blisters – These often form in clusters.  Blisters will be clear and filled with fluid and they will be painful.  People are often contagious during this time.

·        Oozing and Crusting – The blisters will pop and leave a lesion that will scab over.  People are contagious during phase as well.

The entire cycle if left untreated can last on average of two weeks. The rate of outbreaks varies per person, but range from never to 12 times a year.  After the initial year, the average person experiences 3 outbreaks a year.

Initial outbreaks, or the first outbreak, can last longer, be more severe and have additional symptoms

·        Sore throat

·        Swollen glands around the throat or other areas of the body

·        Small children will often drool just before an outbreak

·        Headaches and Muscle aches

Cold sore outbreaks are painful and embarrassing.  There is no cure for them.   The good news is that it can be treated!  Thanks to modern medicine there are things that can minimize outbreaks, reduce the rate of transmission, and shorten the outbreak cycle.

Things to do to minimize outbreaks

·        Avoid excessive sun exposure. 

·        Stay Healthy – exercise and eat well.  A healthy immune system keeps the virus dormant. People often have outbreaks when they are sick, hence the name fever blister and cold sore.

·        Minimize stress – Again this helps to maintain a healthy immune system

·        Get lots of rest

·        Consult with your dentist or physician about possible medications – There are some medications that help to suppress the virus to keep outbreaks at bay and minimize transmission.  Some of these medications if taken early can shorten the outbreak phase.

·        Laser Treatment – Dr. Bednarski recommends treatment with a laser at the onset of symptoms .  These are, tingling and itching just before the blisters appear and blisters can also be treated with laser.  This has great results and is the best option if an outbreak is imminent.

Consult your doctor immediately if…

·        You have a compromised immune system

·        Cold sores last longer than two weeks

·        Symptoms are severe

·        You have irritation

·        You experience frequent outbreaks

While cold sores are not pleasant, living with them doesn’t have to be unbearable.  Talk to your dentist about your options!   

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